فاعلية الطريقة الإيحائية لتنمية مهارات التحدث لدى الطلاب الناطقين بغير اللغة العربية بالأزهر

المعلومات العلمية للعدد



 The researcher prepared the research tools, which were: a
questionnaire of appropriate speaking skills for non-Arabic
speaking students at the second beginner level, a test of speaking
skills for non-Arabic speaking students at the second beginner
level, and educational materials used include the teacher's guide
and worksheets and used a suggestive method for developing
speaking skills for non-Arabic speaking students at the second
beginner level.
The researcher applied the suggestive method to the research
group, and the results showed the effectiveness of this method in
developing the speaking skills of non-Arabic speaking students at
the second beginner level.

الكلمات الرئيسية